Ways to extract parallelism from k-means algorithm:

Assume you have multiple processing elements (PEs), each with local memory, and an arbitrary interconnection network for communication between PEs. There are several ways to parallelize the k-means algorithm:

  1. Divide the image among processing elements. The pixel iteration can be done on any piece of an image without any communication with other PEs. The image can be divided in any manner. Spatial locality is not required. Communication is required after all pixels have been classified, in order to recalculate means.
  2. Divide the mean table among PEs. If you have m+1 PEs, give the first m PEs 1/m of the mean table. Each PE communicates the class that x_i is closest to, of the class means it has, to the last PE, which determines the class this pixel gets assigned to. This requires more communication than scheme 1. Communication among PEs is required once per pixel, not once per pixel classification loop.
  3. Divide the channels among PEs. Each PE determines the distance from the spectra that it has. This is combined with the distances calculated from other PEs to determine the closest class. Note that more than the minimum distance might be required to complete this calculation. This requires the most communication, and should be avoided. It may be needed for hyperspectral data.

Note that all these forms of parallelism can be combined. The first is the prefered mechanism since it minimizes communication and synchronization requirements among PEs.

This page is maintained by Prof. Miriam Leeser
Last updated September 16, 1999.
Email: mel@ece.neu.edu