List *l;    /* list */
   int i;       /* counter */
   int *x;      /* pointer to integer */

   l = l_new();                         /* make new list */
   for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {            
      x = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int)); /* allocate new int */
      *x = i;                            /* set integer to i */
      l_append(l, x);                   /* add it to the list */
   return l;

void print_list(List *l) {

   int *item;               /* list item */

   l_fforeach(l, item) {    /* loop over list */

      printf("%d ", *item); /* print the integer */

   } l_endfor;


void remove_evens(List *l) {
   int *y;

   l_rwd(l);             /* moves the current pointer
                            to the head of the list */

   while (!l_atend(l)) { /* repeat until the end of
                            the list is reached */

      y = l_get(l);      /* set y to the current item */

      if (even(*y)) {
         l_rm(l);       /* if y points to an even
                            integer, remove the item
                            from the list */
      } else {
         l_nxt(l):       /* otherwise advance the
                            current pointer */

void destroy_int_list(List *l) {
   int *item;            /* list item */

   l_fforeach(l, item) { /* loop over list */
      free(item);       /* free integer memory */
   } l_endfor;

   l_free(l);            /* free the list */

void graph_example() {
   Graph *g;
   Node *n1, *n2;
   UEdge *ue;
   char buf[1024];

   /* read the graph in from a file */
   g = graph_read_from_file("graph1.graph");
   /* verify successful read */
   if (!g) {
      warn("Error reading graph from graph1.graph.\n");

   /* for every pair of distinct nodes, do */
   l_fforeach(graph_nodes(g), n1) {
      l_fforeach(graph_nodes(g), n2) {
         if (n1 != n2) {                /* if n1 and n2 are
                                           unique */
            /* if there is no uedge between n1 and n2 */
            if (!graph_getuedge_byendpoints(g, n1, n2)) {
               /* add a new one */
               ue = graph_add_uedge(g, n1, n2);
               /* give the edge an attribute called "label" */
               sprintf(buf, "%s -- %s", node_name(n1),
               uedge_setattr(ue, "label", buf);
      } l_endfor;
   } l_endfor;
   /* write graph to file */
   graph_write_to_file("graph1.modified.graph", g);

typedef enum {white, gray, black} Color;

List *graph_dfs_2(Graph *g) {
   List *dfs_nl;         /* DFS node list */
   Node *n;             /* graph node */
   Color *c;

   /* create the DFS nodelist */
   dfs_nl = l_new();
   /* Set all nodes to white */
   l_fforeach(graph_nodes(g), n) {
      c = (Color *) malloc (sizeof(Color));
      *c = white;                /* create a Color structure */
      node_set_user_info(n, c); /*   and make it the user info */
   } l_endfor;                   /*   of the node */

   /* For every node, do */
   l_fforeach(graph_nodes(g), n) {
      visit_node_2(n, dfs_nl);   /* Start the DFS here */
   } l_endfor;

   return dfs_nl;

List *graph_dfs(Graph *g) {
   List *dfs_nl;         /* DFS node list */
   Node *n;             /* graph node */

   /* create the DFS nodelist */
   dfs_nl = l_new();
/* ensure the "visited?" attribute is un-set on all nodes */
   l_fforeach(graph_nodes(g), n) {
      node_delattr(n, "visited?");
   } l_endfor;

   /* For every node, do */
   l_fforeach(graph_nodes(g), n) {
      visit_node(n, dfs_nl);   /* Start the DFS here */
   } l_endfor;

   return dfs_nl;

void visit_node(Node *n, List *dfs_nl) {
   Edge *e;
   Node *c_n;

   /* Ignore the node if it is has been or is being visited */
if (node_getattr(n, "visited?")) return;

/* We need to visit this node, so mark it as being visted */
node_setattr(n, "visited?", "is being visited");

   /* visit all the child nodes */
   l_fforeach(node_outedges(n), e) {
      c_n = edge_dst(e);         /* get the child node */
      visit_node(c_n, dfs_nl);   /* visit the node */
   } l_endfor;

   /* All children have been visited, mark this node as visited */
node_setattr(n, "visited?", "yes");

   /* Add it to the end of the DFS nodelist */
   l_append(dfs_nl, n);
void visit_node_2(Node *n, List *dfs_nl) {
   Edge *e;
   Node *c_n;
   Color *c;

   /* get the user_info field of this node */
   c = node_get_user_info(n);

   /* Ignore the node if it is black (already been visited)
      or gray (is being visited) */
   if ((*c == black) || (*c == gray)) return;

   /* Mark this node gray (being visited) */
   *c = gray;

   /* visit all the child nodes */
   l_fforeach(node_outedges(n), e) {
      c_n = edge_dst(e);         /* get the child node */
      visit_node_2(c_n, dfs_nl); /* visit the node */
   } l_endfor;

   /* All children have been visited, mark this node black */
   *c = black;

   /* Add it to the end of the DFS nodelist */
   l_append(dfs_nl, n);